What Time Is The Fight Over

Free Trade Is the Issue IN 1947, the U.S. and 23 other free nationsbanded together in a trade pact called GATT. To many a plain citizen,GATT is nothing but a baffling set of initials. Actually, its meaningis simple. It stands for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade andit is the chief instrument for expansion of world trade and theamicable settlement of trade disputes among the 34 nationscontrolling80% of world tradethat are now members.
GATT was designed to bring order out of a chaotic mass of trade pactsthat sprang up after the U.S. Congress passed...

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What Time Is The Mma Fight Over
1 day ago Pennsylvania lawmakers are still fighting over daylight saving time, a squabble that has hit plenty of other statehouses as well. Ryan Mackenzie, R-Lehigh/Berks, is the latest to reintroduce. Fight against Competition Manipulation (8 documents in 7 categories) Fight Against Doping (24 documents in 5 categories) IOC Annual Report (6 documents in 1 categories) IOC Commissions (227 documents in 15 categories) IOC Interim and Final Reports (18 documents in 6 categories) IOC Marketing and Broadcasting (64 documents in 12 categories).