How To Play Sevens
How To Play Seven Up
In this game you throw a tennis ball against a wall and do different actions for each step. The steps get harder as you go along. It's hard at first, but keep practising until you can do it right through without stopping.
Sevens Dice Game Play Instructions Objective. Remove all dice from the grid and score. There are 3 sets of tiles 1. 5x10 Grid containing dice numbers 2. 2 dice in the roll area 3. 5 chances to manually roll dice. The players then sort their cards into sequences in each suit. The player who holds the 7 of diamonds starts by placing this card down in the centre. The game then continues clockwise, with each player, if they can, adding a diamond card to the sequence. This can either go up (8, then 9, then 10 etc) or down (6, then 5, then 4 etc).
SEVENS: Throw the ball against the wall and catch it without dropping it. Do this seven times in a row.
SIXES: Throw the ball so it bounces off the ground and hits the wall, then catch it without letting it hit the ground again. Do this six times in a row.
FIVES: Pat-bounce the ball on the ground five times without stopping.
FOURS: Hold your leg up and throw the ball underneath it so it bounces off the wall. Catch it without letting it touch the ground. Do this four times.

THREES: Throw the ball against the wall, and as it comes back pat-bounce it three times. Do this three times.
TWOS: Throw the ball against the wall. Clap your hands in front, behind, then in front of you again and catch the ball without letting it touch the ground. Do this twice.
How To Play Sevens With 2 Players
ONES: Throw the ball against the wall, turn around on the spot and catch the ball as it bounces off the wall, without letting it touch the ground. Do this once.