Hot Dice Game
All Fast Play Games Hot Dice. WIN UP TO $ 10,000 Let ‘em roll! Overall odds of winning: 1 in 3.85 How to win; Recent Winners; DATE AMOUNT RETAILER NAME RETAILER ADDRESS; Thursday. 10000 - Hot Dice Game for Android. By New Ave Free. Developer's Description. By New Ave 10,000 is a fun dice game that is played in various ways. This version has both 5 and 6 dice game modes with.
- Hot Dice Game Online
- Hot Dice Game Rules
- Hot Dice Game Rules
- Red Hot Dice Game
- Hot Hand In A Dice Game Lyrics
- How To Play Street Dice
The object is to score points by rolling combinations of dice, until one player scores over the 'game' score. The 'game score' is 10,000 points. There is, however, a bit of strategy and luck about how far you should press your luck. More later.
Each player starts his/her/its turn by rolling all six dice. From this roll, any/all of the scoring possibilities may be 'held', and the remainder rolled again. If all six of the dice become 'held', then all six may be rolled again. This continues until the player decides to keep the points gathered so far and pass the dice to the next player, or until no scoring combinations are rolled. Any points for that turn when a player decides to stop rolling, with a scoring combination, are added to the score. Any points for that turn when a player has no scoring combinations, however, are lost. At the beginning of play, each player must score 1000 points in order to get 'on the board'.
When a player finally does go over the 'game score' (10,000 points) and passes the dice to the next player, each of the other players gets a final chance to beat that score (or whichever one is currently the highest). Thus the first one done does not necessarily win, and you must judge how far over the 'game' score is safe to stop at.

Single 1 (1 2 2 3 4 6) 100 points.
Single Five (1 2 2 3 5 6) 50 points.
Other singles - Not counted
Three 1s, (111 2 3 4) 300 points. 1,000 points if all three 1's are rolled simultaneous.
Three of a kind (2 - 6) (2 2 2 3 4 6) rolled simultaneous 100 times value (200 points in this case)
When more than three of a set are held, and a matching fourth is rolled, the players total, up to that point in that round, is doubled. If a matching fifth is rolled the total is doubled again.
Therefor Six 2s (222222) would be 1600 points.
Six dice straight (123456) rolled simultaneous 1500 points.
All dice in a roll can be scored. Thus, a roll of (1 4 2 4 4 5) would score:
100 (one 1)
400 (three fours)
50 (one five)
550 total points.
The player here could keep all but the 2 and roll again.
If he then would roll a 1 it would add 100 points and he would continue to play.
If he then would roll a 4, his score would double to 1,100 points and he would continue
To play.

If he rolled a 5, he would add 50 points and continue to play.
If he rolled any other number, he would not have any scoring combination for that roll
and he would forfeit all points scored during that round. And the play would be passed
Hot Dice Game Online
to the next player.
Of course, you could keep the one, or the five, or the three fours, or any combination. But you must keep something to be able to roll again
A roll of (1 5 1 5 5 1) would score:
1000 (three 1s)
+500 (three fives)
1500 total points.
Hot Dice Game Rules would be able to roll all of the dice again.
Hot Dice Game Rules
Dice games are games that use or incorporate one or more dice as their sole or central component, usually as a random device.
The following are games which largely, if not entirely, depend on dice:
- Liar's Dice[1]
Collectible dice games[edit]
Patterned after the success of collectible card games, a number of collectible dice games have been published. Although most of these collectible dice games are long out-of-print, there is still a small following for many of them.
Red Hot Dice Game
Some collectible dice games include:
Hot Hand In A Dice Game Lyrics
- ^Raghaven, T. E. S.; Ferguson, Thomas S.; Parthasarathy, T.; Vrieze, O. J. (2012). Stochastic Games And Related Topics: In Honor of Professor L. S. Shapley. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 19. ISBN978-94-011-3760-7.